๐ฎDemystifying AppFlowy Editor's Codebase
Understand what happens behind the scenes when you use the Editor, the folder structuring, and strategies you can implement for adding new features in the AppFlowy Editor package.
by Mayur, as part of the AppFlowy Mentorship Program
The AppFlowy Editor package is one of the core components of AppFlowy. It is a popular package in the Flutter Community, offering highly customizable rich text editing experience.
This article is aimed at people looking to use the AppFlowy Editor in their own projects and at people who want to contribute to this package. It describes the project folder structuring and strategies for adding new features.
Components of the Editor
Letโs explore what actually happens behind the scenes when a user creates a document with the AppFlowy Editor and discuss how that relates to its underlying components.
The Selection Menu
When you start the Editor, you are asked to press the /
(slash) key on your keyboard to get the Selection Menu.
The Selection Menu allows you to insert editor plugins or components.
Below is the code for the SelectionMenuWidget:
The EditorState (the property editorState
) is an entity that encapsulates the state of the entire Editor and includes the services of the editor (discussed below).
The SelectionMenuService (the property selectionMenuService
) is responsible for implementing the UI for the SelectionMenu. It achieves this by adding OverlayEntry
on top of the Editor widget. This is a pattern you will encounter again when you explore the Toolbar
and FindAndReplace
Selection Menu Items
The items
property of the SelectionMenuWidget is assigned a list of SelectionMenuItems
Selection Menu Items consist of the following options which you see on the Selection Menu, such as:
This is what a typical SelectionMenuItem
instance looks like:
As you can see we have parameters for:
The keywords are used to filter results from the menu, and are matched against what you type after pressing /
The handler serves as a callback for when the user clicks on the SelectionMenuItem. This handler can be used to insert a node, transform the current node, and much more.
Once this node is inserted into the Document, the Editor searches for that node's respective BlockComponentBuilder to render it on the Editor.
Node is a class that is actually stored in the Document Tree.
Let us take a look at the definition of Node class:
It has a type
that defines the type of the node such as the heading, todo_list, etc.
This type is used to determine which Block Component to render on the Flutter App, this determining logic is done by BlockComponentRendererService
, which we will talk about later.
It has attributes
that control its appearance and state. For example, todo_list has an attribute called "checked" which determines whether it is completed or incomplete.
The children
parameter defines the children of the node, these are stored in a LinkedList which combined with the Document Tree allows the Editor to support Node Hierarchy.
To learn more about Node and its properties, read this article.
Block Components
Each Node type has a corresponding BlockComponentBuilder which functions as a widget builder. It accepts a Node as an input and produces a Widget as an output, allowing you to get a Flutter widget for a Node.
Take a look at the implementation of BlockComponentBuilder
class at this location:
An example that implements the BlockComponentBuilder
to show the bulleted_list in the editor can be found here:
Putting it All Together
So let's outline what actually happens behind the scenes when we press a slash on the Editor and select an option, such as a Heading.
First, when we press
(slash), theSelectionMenu
appears with a bunch ofSelectionMenuItems
.When we click the Heading item, a Node of the corresponding type ('heading') gets inserted in the Editor Document Tree using the
then looks at its newly added node and searches for its correspondingBlockComponentBuilder
using the type of the Node. So it will search for a BlockComponentBuilder for type 'heading'. Once found, it executes the builder to show a Flutter representation of the Heading Node.
Folder Organization
Now that we have a basic understanding of how things are happening inside the Editor and how its components work, let's explore the Folder organization to get an understanding of what is located where and discuss some other important modules that are part of the AppFlowyEditor.
Here is the organization of folders that make the AppFlowyEditor package:
โโโ example
โโโ lib
โโโ โโโ l10n
โโโ โโโ src
โโโ โโโ โโโ core
โโโ โโโ โโโ editor
โโโ โโโ โโโ extensions
โโโ โโโ โโโ history
โโโ โโโ โโโ infra
โโโ โโโ โโโ l10n
โโโ โโโ โโโ plugins
โโโ โโโ โโโ render
โโโ โโโ โโโ service
โโโ โโโ โโโ editor_state.dart
โโโ โโโ appflowy_editor.dart
โโโ test
We are mainly concerned about the lib/src
folder, which is the main source code for our package.
Below is an overview of notable folders inside src
and understand what they contain.
This is the library that contains the core modules such as node, path, attributes, position, selection, transaction, document, and more. To learn more about what these actually are, read this article.
This folder consists of all the significant modules and components such as various BlockComponents, the EditorComponent itself, various plugins like the SelectionMenu, Toolbar, FindAndReplace, and some utilities.
When you expand this folder you will see the following subdirectories.
โโโ block_component
โโโ command
โโโ editor_component
โโโ find_replace_menu
โโโ selection_menu
โโโ toolbar
โโโ editor.dart
The block_component consists of a collection of block_components such as headings, bulleted_lists, image_block_components, etc. We have already mentioned some of them.
The EditorComponent is the root node of the document tree. Its job is to hold all other components, display these components, and allow scrolling, typing, and listening to Shortcut Events. It is a class implementing the BlockComponentBuilder
with a Node type of 'page'.
The editor_component\service
contains the scroll service, keyboard service, selection service, shortcuts, IME service, and the definitions of BlockComponentBuilder
itself within this directory:
Each one of these services is worth an article explaining, but I urge the reader to explore more about them at their convenience.
Other modules inside editor_components include:
All of them are helpful features that serve some purpose of enhancing the use of AppFlowyEditor for managing data in the Document.
As the name suggests, the find_replace_menu finds and replaces character matches, and the toolbar is used to style different nodes on the editor.
Finally, the editor_component also includes a folder called command
and utils
The command folder consists of utility methods such as the opertions TextTransform and SelectionTransform.
The util folder contains various utilities such as File Picker, raw_keyboard_extension, etc. that are used in various Editor features.
The EditorState class is at the heart of the AppFlowyEditor. It contains:
The state of the Editor, including:
the document to render
the state of the selection
Various services (discussed below) of the Editor, such as:
Selection service
Scroll service
Keyboard service
Renderer service
the editor style
the Undo Manager
methods that mutate the document.
Below is an overview of the class:
In the above code, you can see a getter Transaction get transaction{...}
. This gives me a chance to introduce a crucial topic for our discussion: the Transaction
Here is the definition of Transaction in the codebase:
A [Transaction] has a list of [Operation] objects that will be applied to the editor.
The Transaction controls state of the editor and when it is refreshed. Each change you want to make through the editor is made by fetching the Transaction instance within the EditorState (done by the getter we talked about earlier) and calling the apply
method of the EditorState.
You may ask why we have to use a Transaction instead of directly mutating the Document contained within the EditorState. Well, mutating the document with its API is not recommended because you must consider the implications of collaborative editing.
Here is an example of a transaction used in the remove_word_command.dart file:
In the above code, you can see that we are calling a method called deleteText
of the class Transaction. Similarly, there are other useful methods in this class, which change the content and state of the document.
Explore the class by looking in:
This directory consists of helpful extensions on Attributes, Colors, TextSpan, Node, Position, and much more.
This is a family of plugins that make data encoding and decoding possible with popular formats such as HTML, Markdown, and Quill Delta. We use a Document
class to convert the contents of our Editor to these formats.
Here are the contents:
โโโ html
โโโ markdown
โโโ quill_delta
โโโ plugins.dart
It is essential that we allow the contents of our Document to be converted to these formats because we want to allow our data to be synced across the web and other tools. These plugins are how we achieve this.
That concludes our discussion on the folder organization of the AppFlowyEditor package.
Services in EditorState
Let's discuss the various services that the EditorState hosts.
These services are crucial for the working of the AppFlowyEditor. They are provided to the EditorState through a class called: EditorService
located in:
Selection Service
This service is responsible for processing the [Selection] changes and updates such as making a selection, updating a selection, getting the selected nodes, etc. Check out its interface:
In AppFlowyEditor, there are different implementations of the SelectionService for desktop and mobile. I encourage the reader to explore them too.
Keyboard Service
This service is responsible for processing shortcut keys. If this service is enabled then only the ShortcutEvents are processed, if we disable this service then the shortcuts are not processed.
This service is also used to control the keyboard behavior in AppFlowyEditor mobile.
Scroll Service
This service is responsible for processing document scrolling. It also contains information about number of pages in the document, maximum scroll height on the vertical axis, etc.
Probably its most used method is its scrollTo(double dy, {Duration duration})
method, which scrolls to dy in the duration. Everything inside the scroll service:
Renderer Service
This service is responsible for registering render plugin with specified Node.type
Earlier we talked about how the content of the Editor is an instance of some type of Node, an image on your screen is represented as a Node of type 'image' in the document.
Determining which BlockComponentWidgetBuilder to use for which type of Node is done using this service. Let's take a look at its interface:
So far, we have discussed all the crucial services in the AppFlowy Editor. But we have only discussed their interfaces, the actual implementation of these Services is where a lot of magic happens.
Strategies and Tips to Use AppFlowyEditor
Now that you are familiar with the codebase and you understand how things are working. Here are strategies that will help you to use AppFlowyEditor and contribute to the package.
Most Updates Are For Existing Components
Most of the time, we will want to update existing Editor Plugins/Components, Shortcuts, and features like Toolbar, Context Menu, FindAndReplaceMenu, etc.
To do so, look up their implementations and apply your modifications.
Adding New Components
To add new Components, you have to follow the following steps:
Create a Node definition with Node keys and a method for returning the Node. So for example here is the same for QuoteNode:
Create a class implementing the
Create the Widget that will be the UI of your custom component by extending
. In this example, thisQuoteBlockComponentWidget
is the corresponding stateful widget.Finally, make sure you add a SelectionMenuItem for adding your custom Node into the Selection Menu and add your BlockComponentBuilder to the AppFlowyEditor. This way when someone presses the selection menu they will be able to see your custom component. If you need more help on this let me know, I am writing a separate article to explain this.
Adding New Features
To add new features, you can refer to existing features that are implemented, take that as a base, and then develop your desired functionality.
For instance: while developing the FindAndReplaceMenu, I borrowed a lot of code from the Selection Menu in order to facilitate the rendering of the FlutterWidget onto the Editor.
Adding and Customizing Shortcuts
AppFlowy Editor supports two types of shortcuts that are CommandShortcutEvents and CharacterShortcutEvents.
Command Shortcuts get triggered when the user types a certain key combination on their keyboard. Examples of this are FormatBold
, FormatItalic
, CopyCommand
, etc.
Character Shortcuts get triggered when the Editor encounters a certain character being typed into the page. Examples include the SlashCharacterEvent
, DividerCharacterEvent
, etc. You can read more about shortcuts and how to customize them in our guide to Customizing Editor Features.
To add a new command shortcut, create an instance of CommandShortcutEvent
and provide it with a key, a default command, platform-specific commands, and a handler. Here is an example of a CommandShortcutEvent instance.
Finally, provide this new command event to the AppFlowyEditor.
If you want to include it in the standard shortcut events that come by default with the Editor, then to do so, add your shortcut in the standardCommandShortcutEvents
which you can find at:
Write Tests
To ensure the robustness and reliability of your new features, components, and shortcuts in AppFlowy Editor, it's essential to write comprehensive tests. Writing tests not only verifies the correctness of your code but also provides insights into what is happening behind the scenes. Well-written tests are a valuable contribution to the project and make life easier for contributors.
Let's see how you can write tests for AppFlowy Editor:
Test Strategies
When writing tests for AppFlowy Editor, you'll typically work with UnitTest
s or WidgetTest
s. Follow these strategies to create effective tests:
Test Organization: Organize your tests by creating a new file or folder under the
directory for each new feature you want to test.Test Scenarios: Tests should cover expected behaviors as well as edge cases. For example, when testing features related to text selection, consider scenarios where a large amount of text is selected as well as when only a single character is selected.
Descriptive Tests: Write clear and descriptive test messages and comments to enhance readability and understanding.
Platform Considerations: If your feature behaves differently on various platforms (e.g., Windows, Linux, Mac), write platform-specific tests to ensure cross-compatibility.
Reuse Utilities: Use existing test utilities provided by the package and create feature-specific utility classes for common operations to promote reusability.
Testing a Feature
Let's walk through an example of writing tests for the "Find And Replace" Plugin in AppFlowy Editor. The code for this example can be found in the appflowy_editor\test\new\find_replace_menu
In this directory you can see four files:
โโโ find_replace_menu_find_test.dart
โโโ find_replace_menu_replace_test.dart
โโโ find_replace_menu_utils.dart
โโโ search_algorithm_test.dart
Since the feature is moderately large, we have created a folder for it and inside this folder we have created files to individually test our sub-features.
Unit Tests
In the case of unit tests, you focus on testing individual classes or units of code. Here's an example from search_algorithm_test.dart
In this example, we're testing the SearchAlgorithm class. We initialize the necessary variables in the setUp()
method and then write tests to verify expected behavior and edge cases.
Observe how the tests are testing the expected behavior as well as edge cases such as using non-ASCII characters, multiple matches found, etc.
Widget Tests
Widget tests involve testing the user interface components of the editor. To do this, you'll need to use the TestableEditor
class, a wrapper around the WidgetTester
Now let us take a look at how we have written the Widget Tests for our feature. Let us go through the find_replace_menu_find_test.dart
In our test selects found match we first load the editor instance for widget testing and initialize it with some paragraphs. There are other utilities for initializing the editor with some content, such as: addNode
, addEmptyParagraph
, etc.
If you have experience of writing widget tests in Flutter, you will be aware that typically you want to pump the widget that you want to test. However, for AppFlowy, this pump logic is already taken care by the TestableEditor class we mentioned above. So to pump the widget under test we call the following method:
Then in our test we perform the actual testing logic. This involves interacting with the contents of the Editor. For our example this includes:
making a selection
accessing nodes and performing operations on them
sending keyboard events
We can make a selection within our Editor using the updateSelection()
method. In our test we select the very first character on the first line:
To access nodes within your editor, you can use the nodeAtPath
method as shown below:
Here we are choosing the 3rd node in the collection of nodes. Since nodes are zero-indexed.
Once you have access to a node you can check if it is null as well as verify its content and attributes. This is essential when you are testing something which may modify one or multiple nodes in the editor. For example, when testing the replace operation, we may want to access the text within a node before and after a replace operation.
So you can write something like:
To send a keyboard event we use the editor.pressKey()
method. In our test we are calling a method:
This method is defined within find_replace_menu_utils.test file. You can see at its core this method uses the pressKey()
method to send Keyboard Events to our Editor, like this:
Once we have interacted with our editor we finally check if we get the expected output or not. In our case we check our updated selection after executing the find operation.
Review the following tests which are good models to follow as far as coverage and completeness go:
For additional testing examples, please review the appflowy_editor\test
I hope you enjoyed reading this article and I hope you now have a better grasp as to what actually happens behind the scenes when you use the Editor.
We have covered the notable actors in depth and touched on some other ones. We have gone over what folder is located where in the Editor, as well as what makes up the package. Finally, we discussed some ways we can contribute and use the package in our projects.
There are more things that we could not cover here, I urge the reader to explore them.
I would like to thank Lucas, my Mentor, and the AppFlowy community for their constant support.
Thanks for reading this article. If you have some time, please kindly take our 1-minute survey (TODO: link) to give us feedback and let us know what interests you the most.
If you have a suggestion or question for the calendar view or any part of AppFlowy, you can create an issue on Github and weโll get back to you as soon as possible.
Also, feel free to follow us @appflowy on Twitter or join our Discord server to follow our latest development! (TODO: insert links)
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