
Welcome to the AppFlowy software development documentation. Here you will find all of the resources that you need to start developing the AppFlowy project.

These pages will guide you through the stages of setting up your development environment, connecting to our code base, learning how to code for AppFlowy, and finally submitting code to the project.

Environment setup

In order to start developing you will need to set up your environment. We have set up instructions for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

๐ŸงBuilding on Linux๐ŸŽBuilding on macOS๐ŸชŸBuilding on Windows

Coding Conventions

๐Ÿ™Git ConventionsโŒจ๏ธCode Conventions๐Ÿ”คNaming Conventions

Architecture documentation



โ˜Ž๏ธTranslate AppFlowyโคด๏ธSubmitting your first Pull Request

Last updated

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